There is a lot of talk about the climate crisis, but too little action. Political frameworks are lacking, the economic transformation is too slow, and polarisation is on the rise. As an independent voice in Austria’s climate discourse, we have been working tirelessly since early 2024 to change that.
KONTEXT Institute for Climate Matters is an independent think tank dedicated to evidence-based climate policy. We analyse the complex interconnections of climate, the economy and society to develop clear, actionable solutions for decision-makers. By translating scientific insights into accessible formats, we foster informed debate and drive effective climate action.
Since our founding, we have worked at the intersection of research, politics, and communication. Our focus includes climate justice, policy effectiveness, and depolarisation – because tackling the climate crisis requires broad-based societal support and courageous political decisions.
Climate has become a central topic of debate – at kitchen tables, in parliaments, and in boardrooms. The urgency is undeniable, and the consequences are becoming tangible. Solutions exist, yet action remains insufficient. But why is that?
With in-depth analyses and expertise in politics, economics, and civil society, we decipher the drivers of climate policy developments. We identify stakeholder interests and responsibilities and highlight solutions that work.
Research and analysis form the foundation of our work. In collaboration with leading research institutions, we go beyond describing the status quo. We explore what needs to be done, by whom, why action is lacking, and which solutions are most effective.
Climate policy must be transparent for the public. Through active media engagement and our own formats, we provide context to societal developments. We shine a light on crucial decisions and those responsible for them.
Our network grants us insights into key institutions. Through regular dialogue with decision-makers, we deepen our expertise, identify barriers and opportunities, and foster a shared understanding to drive meaningful change.
KONTEXT Institute for Climate Matters is non-partisan and independent. Our work is supported by research grants, partnerships, and donations. We do not accept funding that compromises our integrity.
We always welcome collaboration, ideas, and dialogue. Get in touch:
Help us drive evidence-based climate policy by supporting our mission. Every contribution helps strengthen independent climate research and communication.